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titan1655 t1_j5qjsh8 wrote

Did you call the US a terrorist regime when they attacked North Korean, Vietnam, funded terrorism in Afghanistan, invaded Afghanistan, invaded Iraq, funded military militia in South American countries, is funding Israel even though they are committing similar crimes in Palestina as Russia is doing in Ukraine?

If you did, then you have the right to call Russia a terrorist regime. If not, you have no right to call any countries regime a terrorist regime, especially if you are an US citizen (I don't know if you are).


ThrowAwayAway755 t1_j5v993m wrote

There are SO many blatant mischaracterizations and false comparisons in your statement that it’s not even worth my time. But I must comment that the situation in Israel regarding Palestinians is NOT AT ALL comparable to the situation between Russia and Ukraine. I’m not taking sides in that conflict, I’m simply looking at the reality of that situation. You would have to be ignorant of all the facts of each situation to even make that comparison. Go read about history and FACTS, and shut your inflammatory, ignorant blowhole


WealthyMarmot t1_j5ss0as wrote

> North Korean, Vietnam

Without making any comment on the morality of the prosecution of the wars after they'd begun, both North Korea and North Vietnam were the aggressors against US allies, not the other way around.

> invaded Iraq

The first time was a international UN-sanctioned operation, the second was less defensible but let's not make false equivalencies between Iraq and Ukraine, given that Iraq was led by probably the single worst mass-murderer on the planet.

> is funding Israel even though they are committing similar crimes in Palestina as Russia is doing in Ukraine

There we go with the false equivalencies again. When has anything like Bucha ever happened in Palestine? And that happened in the first month of the war.


ThrowAwayAway755 t1_j5va7ct wrote

Thank you for caring about facts. The claims made about the US are highly inflammatory and misleading, but the patently-false comparison to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the most ignorant part of OP’s entire diatribe, because the situations are entirely different in so many ways. In fact, it demonstrates that OP is unable to distinguish between Russian propaganda and objective reality.


Astavri t1_j5s6ndn wrote

Some of those don't really count, specifically N Korea and Israel.

But Hiroshima sure was an act of terrorism as well as a means to eliminate the enemy's military.


IGargleGarlic t1_j5qsahv wrote

ok vatnik go watch some Russian state tv and cry yourself to sleep over the thousands of dead Russian troops


titan1655 t1_j5s87cm wrote

I'm not Russian or have any sympathy for the Russian regime. I'm just really tired of the hypocrisy of people like you.