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OffManWall t1_j67qwcq wrote

Is anyone really surprised? If they’ll commit wartime atrocities, such as killing and raping civilians, shooting those who won’t fight isn’t a far stretch.


trophycloset33 t1_j6b6s6g wrote

Don’t forget pillaging, chemicals weapons, targeting civilian centers and hospitals, kidnapping and false flag operations.


OffManWall t1_j6b7d31 wrote

Yes, the few I chose were by no means a complete list.


SmashTagLives t1_j6be1zj wrote

Pretty sure they “haze” new recruits by raping them too.


habanero_sauce t1_j68hpk4 wrote

Wait, this asshole was “released from detention” and “living in a secret location in Oslo”. Wtf?! That secret location better also be a prison cell.


goshnauts t1_j690ssm wrote

Well, in return he is going to “testify” whatever, so…


fatbaIlerina t1_j698ubv wrote

He will be followed everywhere he goes. There is no way they trust him.


Troglert t1_j6a136f wrote

You greatly overestimate how much norwegian authorities cares about this guy if you think they will follow him around. You either get locked up or you dont, police cant stalk you like that.


fatbaIlerina t1_j6a2gsf wrote

The police? lol. It will be their intelligence agency, and they can do whatever they want.


Not_KGB t1_j68rt3j wrote

Why? He's not being charged with anything afaik.


SnackusShackus t1_j69xcdv wrote

Think of him as a mob cappo and he’s in witness protection until he can sell all his friends out


trophycloset33 t1_j6b6wl5 wrote

It is a physiological blow to Russia if their troops sees a former commander publicly denounce the war. It will encourage them to not fight as hard if not throw down their weapons.


itsaboutimegoddamnit t1_j697e7j wrote

everyone should watch the zolkin interviews w PoWs (russian language interviews)

mobilized of all types wagner and MoD, cite fear of reprisal, recount incidents of threats of death, recounts abandoned wounded soldiers


SmashTagLives t1_j6bdzgg wrote

Shot for fleeing, shot for staying, shot by comrades, shooting themselves...

Russia is seriously determined to lose this war.


plsdonth8meokay t1_j6b42wk wrote

Doesn’t every country do this to deserters during war times?


19Barra74 t1_j6c71kc wrote

No they don’t. In fact the U.S went to great lengths to rescue one of theirs in Afghanistan. Most western army’s would charge them through their military justice system. Russia barely has a military and sure as fuck doesn’t have justice.


plsdonth8meokay t1_j6dfb59 wrote

I guess I was just being influenced by movies in my thinking, I have no idea how the military justice system works, but you’re totally right.


DeMalgamnated t1_j67sc3u wrote

it's funny they say they are fighting for the motherland when most russians will probably only ever see moscow and st petersburg. most of the other population in the far east is blissfully unaware what's going on...probably.


too busy freezing to death.
