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Reselects420 t1_j5vrdgo wrote

Could the rate of murders not just be due to physical differences rather than sexism? Generally speaking, it’d be harder for a woman to kill a man, than the other way around.

I don’t understand how a crime could be sexist unless it’s on an individual level. What you’re saying doesn’t make sense to me. That’s the same as saying any white person committing a crime against a black person (in the US, UK, etc.) is committing a racist crime, regardless of whether or not the race was reason for the crime.


lilac_light t1_j5y5x5y wrote

If you don't understand this topic start getting into facts of forensic psychology. There is a reasons that terms are terms.


Rathalos143 t1_j685t4n wrote

The whole fact that a guy got the idea that is ok to get revenge for "leaving him" is sexist dude.


Reselects420 t1_j687r1j wrote

Is a woman doing the same also sexist under Spanish law?


Rathalos143 t1_j69cync wrote

Thats a extremely weird case and a minority. Im pretty sure it will be considered a revenge crime.

Now, the case of a woman getting killed by her ex partner, you need to take into consideration It is considered sexist because It is not an isolated case, but a trend. A trend caused by an archaic thought that men can control what women should do. Thats the difference, a woman killing her ex-boyfriend is an hypotethical case, while a man killing his ex-girlfriend is a common case related with hateful behaviour towards women.

If in a future the oppossite case of women killing men in masse happens and is bound to hate, then it will also need to be considered sexist.


Reselects420 t1_j69dd9m wrote

Is there a way to determine whether a man killed an ex partner in a revenge / hate killing or a sexist killing? Like an interrogation or something.


Rathalos143 t1_j69guao wrote

Yes, because there are patterns and they usually admit it.

Anyway, its not like you kill a woman then get inmediately accussed of sexism. Its you kill a woman -> you are investigated -> the investigation determines if it was due to sexism or another reason.

Now when its a male who kills his woman, it usually happens because there is already an abussive behaviour and he tends to use the force against her until It went too bad.