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VVhaleBiologist t1_j6nmopu wrote

They wouldn’t be denied for being Russian, they’d be denied for representing Russia during a time where it’s actions has been deemed unacceptable.


takeItEasyPlz t1_j6nykyv wrote

>.. during a time where it’s actions has been deemed unacceptable

The main problem is there are people who think that their views on what actions are acceptable should be taken into account by sports organizations, whose activity is regulated by other norms.

If these people would be able to at least imagine that they do not have unquestionable authority in all the matters in the world. They would appeal to specific norms regulating the activities of these organizations. Or they would try to introduce such a norms.

With very little effect, I suppose. Because most of sports organizations were originally formed, made a success and are functioning on the principles of maximum inclusiveness and a neutral attitude towards any political or military conflict.

The second more or less fair option would be to create a new organisation "for good participants only", and to check, how many people would follow such an initiative.

And the third reasonable idea is to fuck off and don't force to pick sides those who doesn't want to. Neutrality is not that insane wish, after all, do you know? If you want to boycott something - turn off TV and don't watch it, what's a problem? Nobody would give a fuck.

Overall, in my opinion, all this "let's ban Russia everywhere" hysteria is really disgusting. The Russian government doesn't even need to do anything to look like a better side in this issues.

P.S. I'm Russian, if that's important.


RedWojak t1_j6oha99 wrote

> They wouldn’t be denied for being Russian, they’d be denied for representing Russia during a time where it’s actions has been deemed unacceptable.

I don't see any difference. I can't stop being Russian no matter if I agree with the current regime or not.
