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Gowo8989 t1_j6h1olj wrote

Is South Korea in nato? No, than fuck off nato. SK is already in a war


Berova t1_j6h3yre wrote

Actually... Stoltenberg has a good point. it wouldn't be surprising if he gently reminded South Korea about empathizing with Ukraine in their hour of need as South Korea had similarly experienced many decades past (and is just a crisis away from being in a similar position again).


Jeep-RN t1_j6he13p wrote

South Korea has a partnership with Poland for Tanks. I doubt they will let this opportunity pass by to show she EU the weapons they have been developing. Quiet aid is still aid.


kiman9414 t1_j6ipie2 wrote

Do more research into the industrial capability of South Korea. It is precisely the fact they had to maintain industry that can easily ramp up for war production makes them ideal suppliers for the Ukrainian military.


kiman9414 t1_j6iq07d wrote

It is not a fucking shooting war. South Korea is not going to send over their entire stockpile. And also, the North Korean military is so weak compared to the South Korean one that if it does turn into a shooting war, it will end badly for both sides. Cause North Korea would have to resort to nukes to even stand a chance and the South Korean military will dominate the North Korean one in a similar fashion to how the Iraqis got dominated in the gulf wars.


DramaticWesley t1_j6itgeh wrote

Well they do have the giant gorilla (China) just a few miles away that wants to eventually take over the entire Pacific. South Korea is probably holding back in case they need to support Taiwan.


Stlr_Mn t1_j6k187m wrote

That is a truly dumb reason to blame the US for the Korean War. Having Korea broken up into two administrative zones was to avoid conflict. No one wanted or was prepared for a war in Korea except the USSR the CCP and N. Korea.


Analogue97 t1_j6l6sac wrote

Isn't SK staring down the barrel of an underpopulation crisis?

Leave em be. NATO needs to come to terms with the fact that they will be at war with Russia soon.

Russia's been backed into a corner since the fall of the USSR by the west. Not condoning Russian behavior, but actions have consequences.