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KL_18 t1_j6h5l75 wrote

What 26/11 Mumbai blasts are by Indian Mafia & not by Pakistani terrorists backed by ISI? Good to know,


HouseOfSteak t1_j6h6tpu wrote

The 2011 blasts that left 26 dead were indeed Indian Mujahideen.

However, that was NOT the biggest terrorist attack ever as the previous poster stated. Domestic terrorist incidents have taken many times that many lives - such as the Assam violence, the Punjab killings, the Manipur Ambush, Rafiganj train wreck, etc. - the list sadly goes on.


India has a substantial domestic terrorism problem, as you can probably see. Most of the worst is the pre-counterterrorism era.


Logical-Dog-7387 t1_j6h9c9p wrote

I stand corrected. US anty terrorism agent was the cause of 3rd largest terrorist attack on the country. Do you agree with the fact a US agent was involved ?


HouseOfSteak t1_j6ha6pb wrote

Oh fun, you went from 'they (at one point) funded the Taliban' (the only accurate statement you've made so far) to.....the attack was caused by an actual US.....anty(?) terrorism agent.


Do you have any actual proof to back up a claim of this magnitude, or are you going to attempt personal insults again?


Logical-Dog-7387 t1_j6haqa5 wrote

I said that statement only on 26/11 mumbai attacks you are reading it out of context. I didn't go back from anything else I said. America did support Taliban . They funded mujahedeen. Dude you made Movies about your support for religious terrorist in Afghanistan. There are a lot of article how you (USA) pushed wahabism and radical islamical ideologies just google it and read.


HouseOfSteak t1_j6hbtw8 wrote

>I said that statement only on 26/11 mumbai attacks you are reading it out of context.

My mistake, I missed the part where you explicitly said '26/11' and 'Mumbai', how foolish of m-

>We paid dearly with your counter terrorism agent became and participated in the biggest terrier attack we have ever seen.

Oh wait, no you didn't. In fact, you didn't even mention the words 'Mumbai' or the numbers '11' or '27'.

Are you done with the easily disproven arguments?

>They funded mujahedeen.

I never said they didn't. However, considering how the Indian mujahedeen was founded in 2003 - a full 11 years after Operation Cyclone - you're going to have to actually link the two groups if you're going to try assuming that the US had funded the Indian varient.

You.....are aware that 'mujahedeen' are not a single monolithic entity, yes?

I stated that the US didn't found the Taliban, like your no-proof claim attempted to push.

>Dude you made Movies about your support for religious terrorist in Afghanistan.

Oh, I did, now?

How odd, I don't remember being 'them'. Hell, I don't remember the part where I was even American!


SliceOfCoffee t1_j6hb8yc wrote

>America did support Taliban

No they didn't, they supported the Northern Alliance.

>They funded mujahedeen

The Mujahideen ≠ The Taliban

More Mujahideen fighters joined the Northern Alliance than the Taliban.


Logical-Dog-7387 t1_j6hbz4d wrote

Yes they did. The mujahideen that got training in pakistan by american funding that went ahead and founded the Taliban. Northern alliance was based on tribal power play . Those who were religiously motivated joined Taliban regardless of their tribal roots. Same elements are no biting pakistan on the ass as pak taliban


SliceOfCoffee t1_j6hdy3g wrote

The Reichwehr ≠ The Wehrmacht

The Mujahideen ≠ The Taliban

The Taliban was formed AFTER the Mujahideen dissolved, exactly 0 US support went to the Taliban because at the time the US was sending support IT DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST.

Again you will also find that very few Mujahideen fighters joined the Taliban, most Taliban fighters were new recruits who were not part of the Mujahideen, where as the Northern Alliance the majority of its fighters were Ex-Mujahdeen.
