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Odd-Koala1290 t1_j6oh82x wrote

People don't want to admit Russia is close to Israel. I don't mind the down votes. Russian is the 3rd most spoken language in Israel, after Hebrew and Arabic, and before English.

There's a reason Ukraine is getting no military aid from one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

Any who, back to your good vs evil programing...


pottyclause t1_j6oit9s wrote

Guess so but there’s still more to it. Israel is diplomatically restrained from helping due to Russia’s dominance over Syria. As we’ve seen, the vibe on the ground is changing regarding Israel helping Ukraine but still they’re avoiding full weapon systems.

Nothing should justify letting Russia invade Ukraine but rather there are decisive actions that would escalate warfare.

Role play: Israel sends dope ass weapons to Ukraine Russia stops allowing Israel to destroy weapons shipments bound for Lebanon/Gaza Israel may declare war on Iran or push further into Syria to guarantee security The US provides military aid to Israel will lead to direct confrontations of the US and Russian army

aaaaand World War I’m not saying this is how it must go down, but a reasonable guess of why Israel is in a bind with Russia.


Odd-Koala1290 t1_j6oju93 wrote

So we're worried about a proxy war with Russia in Syria might turn into ww3 but we're fighting a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia with NATO and top western weapons?

Israel doesn't want to piss off Russia, that has strong to trade relations with its enemies I get it.

But the same is historically true for Europe and the US.

The west has helped Israel through it's entire history, at some point they have to get off the fence.


pottyclause t1_j6ol2ud wrote

Hmm I suppose the trade off between a proxy war of Russia/Israel and Russia/NATO becomes moot once NATO actually gets involved (new as of the past few months). Russia has been fanning threats of using their Nukes, so that is ultimately the deciding factor of when a world war starts. If NATO involvement drives Russia nuclear, then the status quo of the Middle East is thrown and Israel would join with NATO forces. In my view


Odd-Koala1290 t1_j6opsof wrote

Yes, things have changed quickly. The world is picking sides, but some are taking a "wait and see" approach, some are playing both sides. But the actions of a country define it. I hope Israel is able to join the "western world".