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tickleyourfanny t1_j6e9q38 wrote

go ahead and expound on why I am a POS..I would love to heat the logic...does it go along the lines of "I should rush over to Afghanistan and fight those peoples fight for them?" fell free to elaborate cuz there are endless people oppressed the world over and if you are thinking those lines then you should be the one fighting everyones battles the world over.


BBQFLYER t1_j6eaqjm wrote

Simply because you twisted phrases from a movie and called them your own. Other than that I agree with everything you’re saying. Honestly I’m not sure why everyone downvoted your op. Maybe be original I guess. And years ago I did fight those battles, just an fyi.


tickleyourfanny t1_j6ego4r wrote

Oh I see. I am POS because I put a quote up? never claimed it was my own...guess what? years ago I fought the very battle, in the very land we are referencing. I doubt very much all you keyboard warriors and people claiming 'no empathy' have done anything but whine and cry online.. You know what I still believe? that the people of their country need to rise up and solve their own problems. That outside forces cant always come in and solve it for them.

you want to try again on why someone is a POS? putting up a quote wont cut it.


BBQFLYER t1_j6f2hij wrote

You’re too full of yourself and need to relax just a bit. And I’m no keyboard warrior, too old and been to many places and seen too many things. Fine since your panties are in a wad, you’re not a pos. Is that better schmuckatelli? Lol! Again I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment as well they need to stand up for themselves. We can’t keep butting in on other peoples issues especially if they don’t want us to.


Entire-Salamander-88 t1_j6fet81 wrote

Technically speaking these motherfuckers have beaten every country has ever stepped foot in their land for a long time. Why as a citizen would you think you could do better