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Joseph20102011 t1_j630avu wrote

Germany proves itself that in times of a European crisis, it is not capable of being the leader for the entire European Union.


Cuntcalled t1_j633989 wrote

Germany spends way more money for europe then any other country. Just stop spreading lies if you dont know shit.


Joseph20102011 t1_j6352wq wrote

But when it comes to the proposal of bailing out southern European countries during the 2009-12 Euro crisis via fiscal stimulus, it was Germany and other northern European countries who opposed it and these southern European countries still suffer the negative effects of austerity.


11nerd11 t1_j639plb wrote

Well yeah we already pay more into the EU fund than anyone else. And we did bail out Greece and others.

You think Germany isn't austere? We had a "no new debt" policy for ages and completely screwed up investments into the next generations in the process.

You don't just get to have bloated, ineffective, corrupt governments for decades and then Germany has to bail you out whenever shit hits the fan.

Fuck that. Get your shit in order for fucks sake.


pascualama t1_j6362e2 wrote

spending money is not leadership.


11nerd11 t1_j639qyg wrote

Lol but not spending money is a sign of lack of leadership?


11nerd11 t1_j639g52 wrote

German taxpayer here. I didn't suffer under the black 0 policy to have as little new debt as possible for over a decade just to pay off the debt of other countries.

Pay your own debts. Thank you.


Joseph20102011 t1_j63nbzg wrote

Then Germany should better dissolve the European Union in the future if it isn't willing to have a common fiscal policy with the rest of the 26 EU member nation-states.


11nerd11 t1_j63o647 wrote

Common fiscal policy doesn't mean German tax payers have to pay for your shortcomings.


Joseph20102011 t1_j63q8l5 wrote

That's not a common fiscal policy you are implying. A common fiscal policy consists of decisions about the collection and expenditure of taxes that have to be taken by a common institution and shared by the participating governments, thus EU must have a common tax-collecting agency like the US IRS for example.


11nerd11 t1_j63qmht wrote

Yeah, and German tax payers still shouldn't have to pay your debt just because nepotism and corruption run rampant in your country.

In the US, California is also paying for Texan bullshit spending, and nobody in California apprechiates that.

It's not going to happen, sorry.


ICEpear8472 t1_j6482fc wrote

Yes but that is something which probably no EU country is currently willing to do. Some countries want to have common debt but right now they for sure do not want everything else which comes with a common fiscal policy. Even agreeing on a common tax and tax-collection system would be a stretch. Common policies on how to spend tax money even more so.


MrHazard1 t1_j635iiy wrote

Reddit proves itself time and time again of bashing germany, whenever the wallet isn't loose enough.