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Joseph20102011 t1_j63q8l5 wrote

That's not a common fiscal policy you are implying. A common fiscal policy consists of decisions about the collection and expenditure of taxes that have to be taken by a common institution and shared by the participating governments, thus EU must have a common tax-collecting agency like the US IRS for example.


11nerd11 t1_j63qmht wrote

Yeah, and German tax payers still shouldn't have to pay your debt just because nepotism and corruption run rampant in your country.

In the US, California is also paying for Texan bullshit spending, and nobody in California apprechiates that.

It's not going to happen, sorry.


ICEpear8472 t1_j6482fc wrote

Yes but that is something which probably no EU country is currently willing to do. Some countries want to have common debt but right now they for sure do not want everything else which comes with a common fiscal policy. Even agreeing on a common tax and tax-collection system would be a stretch. Common policies on how to spend tax money even more so.