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Turbofox23 t1_j6hbk3x wrote

Maybe in some russian textbook, not in reality however


lacb1 t1_j6hfos2 wrote

Remember that state of the art Russian drone the Ukrainians captured that had a fucking Cannon DSLR camera in it? Yeah. They don't have "world beating" anything. It was smart for NATO to take them seriously right up until we had proof that they're full of shit. But now we have literally tonnes of proof, and it's all being dismantled and studied. Whatever surprises the Russians may have had for NATO aren't really surprises anymore.


Turbofox23 t1_j6hfv17 wrote

Plus, they don't produce anything apart from AKs and artillery shells, every piece of any advanced tech (chips, IR-matrix, monitors, optics) is either Chinese, US-made, or bought from European companies.

Edit: or scrapped from stolen washing machines