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lollypatrolly t1_j6i5cwz wrote

The core point is true though, this current drip-feeding is strategically unsound if the goal is for Ukraine to win and Russia to lose. It makes no sense from a military perspective. The only thing we achieve by pussyfooting around is drawing out the conflict, so we should commit fully and provide everything they need.


bombmk t1_j6kaf1l wrote

> It makes no sense from a military perspective.

Given that the reason is political pussyfooting that can be very true while offering no explanatory power for the question at hand.

I could understand holding back while the things where still on a jittery scale at the start of the conflict (don't want your gear picked up by the other side the the day after it arrives).

But since the Ukrainians started pushing them back, I have very little respect or patience for the tempo of the material help they have been given.

They have been trying to boil the mythical nuclear frog without making it jump out of the pot. And as long is it is only Ukrainians dying, a slower boil is of course the safer choice...