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Ooops2278 t1_j6fim0r wrote

No, Germany has exactly one single like "we will not send anything unless as part of a coordinated NATO decision". Everything else you made up by gobbling up propaganda and lying to yourself.

Which also includes this statement about jets that simply doesn't exist (the actual answer when asked about jets was btw: There's no discussion in Germany about jets at the moment... followed by how we should look after delivering the promised tanks right now, instead of making up a narrative about the next demand just a day after that announcement...).


dogeimistic t1_j6fkxbv wrote

Lol no, Germany is literally dragging their feet with everything because they don't want to get singled out by Russia once this is over. They want all that cheap gas to run their manufacturing. They need to get those tanks delivered asap and start being a world leader. Jets will be on the table in the next 8 months.


wnvyujlx t1_j6gte4l wrote

When it's a combined NATO effort, yes. Just Ukraine begging for it, no. Unity is the keyword.