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EnricoPallazzo-- t1_j6n2ozw wrote

It’s a good question and we don’t know for sure. I think the problem for the future is the media attention this has gotten and that even if a new government gets put in place and they are very pro letting Sweden and Finland in (and so they should!), Turkey can’t just tell their people ”yeah we just let them in”. They will make out to be weak so to save face they will have to come up with something to tell their people that X discussion happened and they are happy with the outcome.

I’m not sure how many people in Turkey think Erdogan blackmailing people is bad but there is certainly enough people that has grown customary to always wanting something in return.


-Purple_Light_Saber- t1_j6nc9td wrote

The F-16s appear to be the most likely "deal" that can be struck, and then sold to the Turkish public.

The US Senate for one appears rather annoyed with "Turkey's continued failure to ratify Sweden and Finland's accession", and will not be greenlighting any arms deals before Turkey has remedied its "failure".


Qwrty8urrtyu t1_j6nzirn wrote

>I think the problem for the future is the media attention this has gotten and that even if a new government gets put in place and they are very pro letting Sweden and Finland in

The opposition isn't in support of it either, so the even if he loses the election the situation won't change drastically. Sweden supporting the YPG is a much bigger deal for the nationalist opposition even.
