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ChiralWolf t1_j6ohd4a wrote

There's also the huge issue of getting people help. Understandably, when someone is in possession of illegal drugs, theyre going to be wary about getting help from a group that might have ties to the government. You decriminalize basic possession and it opens more of those people up to seeking help.


art-love-social t1_j6p3664 wrote

Help is readily available for alkholism - and there are fuktons of folk around who are not interested/dont ant to take that up - and there is no stigma/offence attached to that.


rwarren85 t1_j6p4loz wrote

Looks how crazy it was during prohibition though. People were getting poisoned by alcohol. Pretty similar situation.


art-love-social t1_j6pa13p wrote

They were getting poisoned by de-natured alcohol, how is decimalisation going to help this ? dealers are not going to stop cutting stuff with shit


rwarren85 t1_j6palbp wrote

They did with booze... I don't see anyone getting alcohol that's cut with kerosene... lol


art-love-social t1_j6pb020 wrote

? this is just decriminalising drug use - not chaing how it is made available, dealers are still going to adulterate as much as ever.


rwarren85 t1_j6pbbkp wrote

Look at weed. Once decriminalization it starts getting monitored and safer ways to get the drugs are presented. I see what you are saying, but there are examples of this method having good results.