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Ampersand55 t1_j6k8yp6 wrote

Excepts from the original Swedish article (translated):

> He submitted an application for a police permit to hold his demonstrations on Saturday, January 28 at 1 p.m. When DN speaks with him on Thursday afternoon, however, he says that he has decided to postpone his planned actions for a couple of weeks.

> - Everything is so agitated now. I was somewhat affected by the Prime Minister's call to tone it down. But I will still carry out my actions, it is important to me. I will submit a new application next week, says the 34-year-old.

> (...)

> The 34-year-old who wants to burn the Bible and Torah says that for several years he has had a bound copy of each on his bookshelf, and that the books he burns are his own. He also says that he burns the books "with a heavy heart".

> - I know people will be sad, and I regret it. But I think it needs to be done. To wake up Sweden, which does not care about the incitement against Muslims.

> (...)

> The 34-year-old says he is tired of his tax money going to protect right-wing extremist Rasmus Paludan's repeated Koran burnings, most recently outside the Turkish embassy.

> - It is only incitement against a minority - against Muslims. I am a Muslim myself, but not very religious. But I feel attacked by the Koran burnings. And by Sweden, which is doing everything to protect Paludan. > > So why do you want to attack another minority, the Jewish one? > > - My action is not aimed at the Swedish Jewish minority. I am standing outside the Israeli embassy because I want to remind about Israel's killing of Palestinian children. > > But you are burning a Jewish book, not something specifically Israeli. You think that Paludan incites Muslims with his burnings - but you don't incite Jews? > > - I don't know. Maybe what I'm doing is a hate crime. But I'm angry. I have heard for so many years Imams say that we Muslims should not show anger when the Koran is burned. Now I want to create debate, says the 34-year-old.

> (...)

> When DN asks the 34-year-old why he wants to burn the Bible, he first goes into a long reasoning about crusaders and that the Bible has historically been used to legitimize violence. Then he says. > > - Burning books is actually a terrible idea. But in a stupid time it can sometimes be required to do something stupid.


PauseRelative375 t1_j6m2k61 wrote

He wants to create 'debate'... Mindblowing mental gymnastics from this man.


TroutFishingInCanada t1_j6m69no wrote

“Something must be done.”

Right, something not really related and incredibly inflammatory.

Fucking lazy asshole.


TroutFishingInCanada t1_j6m6jax wrote

> Maybe what I’m doing is a hate crime. But I’m angry.

I fucking hate it when simpletons just need to be part of the conversation.