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memus_dankus t1_j6b98sq wrote

Can you give me a source?

Because article 162 of the Dutch code of law states this:

>Any person who willfully destroys, renders unusable or damages any work serving public or air traffic, obstructs any public land or waterway or defeats any safety measure taken with regard to such work or road, shall be punished: 1 a term of imprisonment not exceeding nine years or a fine of the fifth category, if this is likely to endanger the safety of traffic; 2 a term of imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years or a fine of the fifth category, if this is likely to endanger the safety of traffic and the act results in the death of someone.

Which seems pretty reasonable imo


CasperIG t1_j6b9wud wrote

Source is the lawyer of the people that got arrested before they even went to the protest: (Dutch video)

Better source that you can translate;

> Ook uit Europeesrechtelijke jurisprudentie blijkt dat een blokkadeactie wel degelijk de bescherming van het demonstratierecht kan toekomen. Zo oordeelde het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (EHRM) in de zaak Kudrevičius e.a. tegen Litouwen (2015) bijvoorbeeld dat een demonstratieve blokkade van drie autosnelwegen door boeren onder de reikwijdte van de vrijheid van demonstreren in de zin van artikel 11 EVRM valt.


onekhador t1_j6bm0su wrote

That's why all those Friesian racists were arrested when they blocked the road to stop the bus filled with people going to protest against the racist Black Piet, right? Right?


memus_dankus t1_j6bmcks wrote

It was one of the reasons, yes.


whiteandyellowcat t1_j6cawoq wrote

Stop talking about shit you know nothing about. They were not arrested, neither were farmers who blocked way more roads. The Dutch state definitely took a side against the climate and left wing activists.


memus_dankus t1_j6cmoh7 wrote

What do you think arrested means?

And I agree, the government is clearly not treating farmers and climate protestors equally but that still doesn’t have anything to do with the point I’m trying to make here.


CasperIG t1_j6dy2e8 wrote

Actually the article I shared in the parent thread says

> In de zogeheten ‘blokkeerfriezen’-zaak oordeelt de Rechtbank Noord-Nederland dat de door de blokkeerfriezen opgeworpen blokkadeactie op de snelweg niet de bescherming van het recht om te demonsteren toekomt.

So I’d assume some people got arrested.