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Cookie-Senpai t1_j3wnxx1 wrote

They already thought of the counter propaganda. They decided part of Ukraine were actually independent therefore they can send a whole lot of "armed tourists" there.


Denworath t1_j3wzg97 wrote

>They decided part of Ukraine were actually independent

No, they decided part of Ukraine is now part of Russia so technically the conscripts are not leaving russian territory.


repinoak t1_j3yvcsy wrote

Ukrainians think that all Russian thugs/NAZIS in Ukraine are outside Russia.


Fryceratops t1_j3z1q4b wrote

"Updated: Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Russian dictator, later claimed that the information about the ban was untrue: "This is a common act of information sabotage." Earlier, it was reported that the Russian Federation was preparing for a new wave of mobilisation. It will take about two months to equip and initially train the "replenishments"."

Sounds like they took a different route