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7thAndGreenhill t1_j6iz15x wrote

I’m not sure I’d want a NATO style agreement with India due to their tumultuous relationship with both Pakistan and China.

And aren’t we already committed to the defense of Japan?


Reselects420 t1_j6j37t2 wrote

There’s something called the Quad that already exists. India, US, Aus, Japan. India doesn’t share a mutual defence pact with any of these countries and joining this new expanded AUKUS alliance would not require such.


lordderplythethird t1_j6jc1bx wrote

AUKUS isn't a NATO treaty. It's an information sharing and joint cutting edge military R&D treaty.

  • Nuclear submarine designs

  • Hypersonic missiles

  • AI

  • Cybersecurity

  • Loyal wingman UAVs

They're all joint programs under AUKUS.


7thAndGreenhill t1_j6jc922 wrote

literally the first sentence of the article:

>Britain has called for an overseeing body similar to NATO to ensure security in the Indo-Pacific.


lordderplythethird t1_j6jczv1 wrote

This is me being surprised they Sky's "journalists" lack any understanding of what AUKUS is 😐. It's not a Pacific NATO in the slightest bit. It's far more akin to a modern era Manhattan Project, where the members pool their money and brains for a cutting edge weapons system. UK is suggesting India and Japan join said R&D team. They're not suggesting a Pacific NATO, Sky dreamed that moronic line themselves