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AppleToGrind t1_j6jzvfg wrote

The knowledge I gained from all of that is that the United States is a regional bully and we as Canadians are doing the best thing we can do which is flip them the bird, geopolitically speaking. Goes in line with our passive-aggressive identity and actually makes me proud.


lordderplythethird t1_j6l7km0 wrote

That would be wildly uneducated, but that's fair and to each their own. Or Canada could accept international law and not try to fuck over their allies in the US and Europe with both declaring the NW Passage as a shipping route AND denying it's an international strait for shipping, in a blatantly illegal move to tax all shipping traversing those waters, where the most frequent users would be the US and Europe. It's as fucking moronic as China's claims in the South China Sea, or if Mexico demanded to tax all ships who entered the Gulf of Mexico...

Or we can falsely cry wolf and pretend Canada is being bullied. That works too I guess?


AppleToGrind t1_j6nuy7r wrote

International Law are a set of rules created by dominant players (ie. United States) using their leverage to largely benefit themselves. They have been imposed on smaller players because the alternative is far worse. So yeah, enjoy our middle finger salute.