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Reese_Grey t1_j6dz6zt wrote

We've heard similar things before, give the alliance time to work on him.


RRRedRRRocket t1_j6dz900 wrote

Je doesn't send them. He just parks them near the runway, fully fueled, and some criminals stole them and flew them to Ukraine.


Reselects420 t1_j6dzsue wrote

Where in the article does it say that though?

I’ve recently had to actually read BBC articles because their headlines always mislead me, especially with the headlines like “Ukraine isn’t happy with how little aid the west gives them”.

> In an interview with Tagesspiegel, Mr Scholz said his focus was on the delivery of German-made Leopard 2 tanks.

>"The fact we've only just made a decision [on sending tanks] and the next debate is firing up in Germany, that just seems frivolous", he said.

How is that ruling out sending jets? Can someone link an article where it actually quotes what he said?


Core2score t1_j6dzwt4 wrote

I think the US already said something about sending F15 eagles or F16s and if and when they do that it'll greatly embolden European countries including Germany to do the same. Although it needs to be a calculated move so they will first need to train Ukraine on carrying out the logistics required to keep these jets fueled, armed and maintained after each sortie.


Yelmel t1_j6e1nfl wrote

Alright Germany...

You're on tanks.


LeoFrei7as t1_j6e1x31 wrote

Just like he said he wouldn’t send tanks ?


Senator_45 t1_j6e276k wrote

Until US pressure them and then they agree to send


wirtnix_wolf t1_j6e3hls wrote

We really don't have many working Fighter Jets... Maybe.. 5?


maldobar4711 t1_j6e4cau wrote

The media will throw shit at him 7x24 then one shot hole will send 2 planes then they will say he is the shame of Nato..then he will consider it...2 months later he send it..

We know how the game has to be played..worked each time


Liquidwombat t1_j6e5x35 wrote

Yeah, but he said the same thing about tanks.


Nochoise t1_j6e7az6 wrote

He actually said: We will not act alone, we will discuss it with our partners, and so it did. He send the Tanks with a coalition. Same as Poland we will send the Leos2 with or without Germanys approval, Germany said, we will not interrupt or block ur decision.

Poland:Humm Okai, but we will send it.

Germany : Okai do it.

Poland we will really send it...


DinoPhartz t1_j6e7gfz wrote

If German fighter aircraft are in the same shape as the rest of their forces why would anybody want them?


LOL_Murica t1_j6ec9yr wrote

It doesn’t.

For some reason, this sub loves to make up misleading titles that dump shit on Germany. I guess manufacturing outrage/worthless internet points outweighs truth and common sense.


WokeUp2 t1_j6fb2g8 wrote

Warfare on the "Eastern Front" during WWII led to unimaginable loss of life. For example, between 6,000 and 9,000 people died when the ship Wilhelm Gustloff was torpedoed by a Russian submarine. Who can blame Germans if they are reluctant to repeat history?


forsaken_warrior22 t1_j6h0vby wrote

Did these pricks just change the word tanks for jets and just send the article out again. This is beginning to take the piss.


Overall-Yellow-2938 t1_j6h4bh3 wrote

The planes Germany has would blnot be a good fit for that situation. Why should we send stuff they dont need when there are other nations with enoug F-16 fighters that would be a pretty good fit with parts and planes to spare?


ButtingSill t1_j6iynf4 wrote

In other (unrelated) news: this day in 1933 Adolf Hitler was selected as chancellor.