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Total-Chemicals t1_j6h45a4 wrote

Sad truth . No one really cares anymore . Its became a media cash grab. Nothing is enough . No amount of help has put an end to this. We mock outdated russian equipment and have sent massive assistance in new updated weapons over to continue to fuel all this propaganda on both sides. What's the end goal here? russia and ukraine go back to being happy neighbors again. No, and ukraine is not actively pursuing russian land to eradicate the russian government completely, so who and how do they win here. This war could last forever .

I dont want to say these things. They are just my opinion on how things have turned out. I dont support the actions of war, Nor find them ever to be validated


Ruin-Known77 t1_j6h4rvp wrote

The "end goal" is to stop Russia from taking over Ukraine, obviously.


Total-Chemicals t1_j6h5i4t wrote

Ok, but thats not going to stop them from trying again when they have patched them selfs up. Are you going to build another berlin wall on the russain border after this.

This is the propaganda helping fuel it . I'm all about saving ukraine from imminent take-over, but this is what is being used to continue to receive assistance, and the assistance just keeps things at bay. We make no strides forword to russain goverment collapse whice is the only way ukraine can be free.

Its looking more like a fight about property lines amongst neighbors that's never going to be resolved due to pride. So we wait til putin dies of old age and pray the next leader is in agreence with the rest of the 1st world county's


Oxu90 t1_j6hb4xl wrote

"Ok, but..."

In case of peace, the Russian - Ukraine border will very likely become as fortified as South and North Korea border.

Ukraine will likely be accepted in the EU (get security promises with it) and it's army given latest weaponry and training to make Russian new invasion as not so likely

Longer distance goal likely is to bring them to NATO as they pretty much are that already due Putin's attack. But that is less certain due Turley and gang. Also their neutrality might be a condition for peace (with exception of EU and individual security quarantees)


Total-Chemicals t1_j6i0hu3 wrote

Yeah, that's been the plan this whole time . But it's never going to happen, you know why. America does not want to funnel all their money into ukraine . Looking at the resources both parties brought to war,and the dramatic requests to be entered into nato while being in a war whice cant happen . Proves that's what it's really about . Staying relevant amoungts the top dog county's.

Ukraine wants to get pushed into nato for protection .It's also good for a small second world economy to have a massive boom with out of country funds from the troops on bases there for the remaining time after. It's a win win . And russia was hoping for the same thing . But he doesn't generally care whice side he parts with just as long as he gets picked. But neither has.


hansobolo t1_j6hihcs wrote

If russia invaded the uk it would be the same situation, would you just give up?