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boredguy3 t1_j64cov6 wrote

You mean, they utilized the pyramids and surrounding area for prestige, right?


butterfingernails t1_j64dlym wrote

No, I mean like all the greatest works of construction in Egypt, were there before the people we consider to be the builders moved in. The pyramids are way older than egyptologists claim, but because they don't want to admit they moved into the area instead of building them. They can't explain how they built them, but they know they did it some how.


Siantlark t1_j65pcs5 wrote

Egyptologists have very good ideas of how the pyramids were built. Dressed stone, mostly ashlar, has been used to build monuments for millennia and we have murals and papyri documenting the transportation of limestone, granite, syenite etc. to construction sites. We have evidence of how they built the pyramids with cutting tools, bevels, drilling, sawing, and sanding, with harder stone being pounded or sawn into shape with abrasives. None of the pyramids are out of reach for ancient Egyptian/Kushite labor and technology, its just labor intensive and time consuming.


Bubbahard t1_j66mkg6 wrote

Also, most blocks on the pyramids we're built by mixing materials on site, pouring them into forms and stacking them next to each other. Geopolymers.


boredguy3 t1_j64e3of wrote

Yes, they moved in and claimed the massive works for prestige. To impress and wow everyone.