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tdring22 t1_j6edpio wrote

If 90% of the army deserts then all that's left is civilians which Russia has more experience controlling


PumpkinManGuy t1_j6edy41 wrote

I really don't think that the 90% who desert would be keen on seeing their families stomped down like that.


tdring22 t1_j6eelky wrote

I hope so. I honestly think at this point Belarus tieing up Ukrainian troops on the border is the best he can hope for but time will tell


Staerke t1_j6fcjss wrote

These conscripts don't want to die for Putin, who says they won't want to die for their families and their homes


black641 t1_j6haoet wrote

No military could hope to control 90% of a country's population. Not the US, not China, no one. If 90% of the population wants you out of their home, you're gonna leave one way or the other. Trying to do otherwise would be like standing on the beach and yelling at a tsunami to back up.