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jhaden_ t1_j63lbfi wrote

>A Swiss parliamentary committee on Tuesday proposed waiving the controversial re-export ban that prevents Swiss-made ammunition from being re-exported from another country to Ukraine. The recommendation passed with 14 in favour and 11 against and will require approval from parliament

So assuming approval from parliament, this is a non-issue? Or am I missing something?


BezugssystemCH1903 OP t1_j63qs9u wrote

Well, it will take some time and we have a right-wing party, the green party and an association that is completely against the army and they are against it.

As always, we will find ourselves somewhere in the middle, probably as a temporary law to keep everyone happy.

Perhaps the citizens will also vote on it.

It is a start.


ds2isthebestone t1_j63vo69 wrote

Senate is almost the hardest to pass-by, so this is good news. I do think our parliament will approve it. Worse that can happen afterward is a referendum by the people to counter it, but it would arrive too late to stop Switzerland from supplying ammunitions to Germany and therefore, Ukraine.