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PsychologicalGain298 t1_j6bxvvk wrote

I don't think this is a religious fight as much as fighting against apartheid.


frosthowler t1_j6bz0hm wrote

Correct. It is illegal to be a Jew in Palestine; selling land to Jews is a capital crime. This is a fight against Palestinian apartheid and their desire to wipe out all Jews.


farmerjoee t1_j6enqwd wrote

Why is reality and truth so offensive to right-wingers? Y’all literally just construct whatever narrative you need with zero nuance.


frosthowler t1_j6eou95 wrote

I'm left-wing; being against racism and religious bigotry isn't exactly a hallmark of right-wingers.

Regardless, you speak of reality, yet pointedly choose to ignore the fact that it is explicitly, lawfully, illegal to sell land to Jews, there is a religious fatwa in Palestine against selling land to Jews, and the punishment is death.

Your only possible response to this absurd reality is to rant about right-wingers and how they ignore reality?

The settlements do nothing to prevent a two-state solution. They only do so in the sense that Palestine is an apartheid, ethnonationalist proto-state that wants a judenrein Palestine.

Ostensibly they can get those territories, with those settlements, and have a 20% Jewish population, like how Israel has a 20% Arab population and is just fine.

But that is acceptable to jihadists and their sympathizers: not one Jew is allowed to remain in Palestine, despite millennia of presence.


farmerjoee t1_j6epc0m wrote

Obviously… take some responsibility. Framing the conflict where Israelis are the only victims is wrong, and you know that. You’re approaching this with a right wing lens, but nice try.


frosthowler t1_j6epqo2 wrote

When did I say Palestinians aren't victims too? Can you reply with something other than strawman?


farmerjoee t1_j6epzvh wrote

Knowing right-wingers, you genuinely think you’re making an argument out of plausible deniability. If you can’t discuss your shitty lens in good faith, then what’s the point? Karma?


metumtam01 t1_j6c5okt wrote

Right here students! This is the definition of "Naive".