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the24hrpartyzone OP t1_ix82mex wrote

If you cannot attend tonight, then I ask that you call or email both the city clerk, Vincent Spano, and the council members individually.

It only takes a minute to send that email. But, every one of them is important.

Please also note that the Yonkers DPW has instructed its employees to attend the hearing tonight in support of changing the term limits law. It's going to be a stark contrast of presumably ~50 city employees in favor, and a patchwork of however many residents against. So, we need every person to show up against the City's coordinated action suppressing our vote.

Thank you


Emergency_Force4741 t1_ix8fztz wrote

Let’s get them out of here. The Spanos ruined yonkers. I hope the FBI investigates them after we kick them to the curb.


mikebootz t1_ix8xuhg wrote

Vote him out if you don’t want him to get another term. He keeps winning elections so clearly he’s who the people want


the24hrpartyzone OP t1_ix8y63u wrote

This change is for the mayor and the council itself. They are voting to change their own term limits instead of holding referendums as has been done in the past. I've voted for Spano before, and nothing against the guy, but this is unethical.


mikebootz t1_ix914vm wrote

my point is they are not appointing themselves to their positions. so they can change the rules all they want but they still need to be elected


the24hrpartyzone OP t1_ix926ra wrote

Nothing you said is wrong. But, why do we have term limits at all then? Why did the city voters enact/approve term limits twice? The point of term limits to to ensure that politicians can't snowball their power (as some argue the Spano's have) so that they are unbeatable.

For example, the head of the Yonkers Dem Party is the Commissioner of the DPW, who was appointed by, and reports to the mayor. The DPW also organized its employees to attend the rules committee meeting to support this term limits change (who appeared to be the only ones present who supported it).

While that's all legal, it creates unfair hurdles for any opponents. Term limits remove those hurdles.


House-Mouse2006 t1_ixmq7ki wrote

Updates on the vote?


the24hrpartyzone OP t1_ixmqpvs wrote

Unfortunately, the vote went 4 to 3 to extend term limits. This was expected. However, the meeting was one of the craziest I've ever seen. This first part is the public comments:

But, you really should only watch this second half where the council members speak. It gets wild. Crying, yelling, finger-pointing, a literal fight breaks out and people are escorted from the chamber. It was embarrassing.

What's most odd is that the council president, Lakisha Collins-Bellamy, said she supports a referendum in 2023, but she's approved the fourth term extension now anyway. So, she's taking away your vote now, but will give it to you next year when it won't matter for Spano or Breen.


spyro86 t1_ixt9sv6 wrote

They gave her a job for the city. Anyone who opposes him gets money and guaranteed job in the city which comes with the retirement plan after 20 years