
20 results for

Sammy_Roth t1_j7w21oo wrote

Definitely huge potential for solar on land around highways. Good story about that from Canary Media: [](


Wwize t1_je3dduk wrote

falsely claim. [Clean energy is cheaper than coal across the whole US, study finds]( >Almost every coal-fired power plant in the country could be cost-effectively replaced by local solar


Wwize t1_je52nzn wrote

more expensive than coal. [Clean energy is cheaper than coal across the whole US, study finds]( >Almost every coal-fired power plant in the country could be cost-effectively replaced


Wwize t1_je52rw9 wrote

coal, even with batteries: [Clean energy is cheaper than coal across the whole US, study finds]( >Almost every coal-fired power plant in the country could be cost-effectively replaced


Wwize t1_je52wgn wrote

cheaper EVEN WITH BATTERIES: [Clean energy is cheaper than coal across the whole US, study finds]( >Almost every coal-fired power plant in the country could be cost-effectively replaced