
50 results for

Smooth_Imagination t1_j0pl0bi wrote

also increased in subjects with T1DM (by 24-fold) and T2DM (by 16-fold)\[24\]. []( Part of the disease risk manifested in diabetes was also stated to be retained even after glucose ... brain, as well as skin and retina. Lutein hyperaccumulates in brain - []( []( \-DHA distribution also correlates with lutein. This suggests a natural tendency to accumulate these compounds together and that ... brain. There are associations of both DHA and Lutein to protection against Alzheimers / dementia. []( \- this is a negative result regarding DHA supplementation (DHA on its own, it may also be oxidised prior


grundar t1_j0exyog wrote

Link to paper]( [Figure 2]( shows the basis of their analysis; cumulative ratings showed a small increase for Asian restaurants and were more-or-less flat for others. [Figure ... shows the differences they report between their modeled synthetic ratings and the actual ratings. There's a clear increase for Asian restaurants (black line), although arguably it's continuing the trend from ... weight for American to Italian and for Caribbean to Latin. [Looking at Figure 1](, the monthly citations for American (dark purple) are very different from those for Italian (light purple); in particular


gotchostupidass t1_ir5hg4f wrote

start, here’s a great article on what causes obesity (overconsumption) : Here is a great study on the major health risks of obesity : When it comes to studies ... meat, association is not very strong on red meat being inherently cancer-causing (, and for those who are concerned, adequate fiber consumption seems to cancel out the risk: Processed


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_jb4x8ur wrote

plays an important part in memory formation as well as in mood and motivation. > >[]( ​ We have studies showing that exercise is just as if not more effective ... debate; however, the efficacy of exercise in decreasing symptoms of depression has been well established []( Exercise has massive effects on mitochondria, which might be partly a mechanism in relation to depression ... found that longitudinal measures of cortical atrophy were widely correlated with sleep quality. []( ​ >A better diet quality is associated with larger brain tissue volumes. > >[](


jubears09 t1_ja8qpu7 wrote

males or mosaic males have the same phenotype as heterozygous females. This is an illustration: EFNB1 is another example: OLD paper postulating this: Edit: I know


aTacoParty t1_ix3nv0f wrote

complex won't function. Thus having a normal allele will not prevent disease. ABO blood group - Eye color - []( Alzheimer's genetics - []( Hemophilia A - ... mutations -


InTheEndEntropyWins t1_j91lm2p wrote

plays an important part in memory formation as well as in mood and motivation. > >[]( ​ We have studies showing that exercise is just as effective as medicine in treating ... x200B; >We found that longitudinal measures of cortical atrophy were widely correlated with sleep quality. []( ​ >A better diet quality is associated with larger brain tissue volumes ... support and assistance with changing people’s dietary habits may be effective in promoting depression. From []( ​ >Current evidence supports the finding that omega-3 PUFAs with


aTacoParty t1_iwzeu5y wrote

Human development - []( Body fat and sexual development - []( Brain maturation in humans - []( Biological age is a better predictor of mortality than chronological age - []( Preventing age-related ... muscle loss - []( Lifestyle interventions prevent AD by up to 60% - []( Lifestyle interventions improve cognition in those at risk for dementia - []( Metabolism is stable between 20-60 (editorial) - []( ... Metabolism is stable between 20-60 (scientific article) - []( Healthy aging via lifestyle changes - [](