
43 results for

Professional_Book912 t1_ivyy07y wrote

x200B; Are you the Yeti? [\_naked\_yeti\_of\_texas\_beach/]( [](


goosey65 t1_ixiusl5 wrote

Also, [here]( is a follow up when Kamras talks about his excitement to rename the schools. "I'm excited to go ahead and take the step," Kamras said in an interview Tuesday


whoswalkinwho t1_iy3zdfs wrote

photo of him is disturbing.. is he wearing a trench coat? [](


dalhectar t1_iy8i7h7 wrote

closures for Grand Illumination tend to be [small]( Christmas Parade has more [closures]( but it's easy enough to see where you can hunt for parking in Newtowne West


DeannaZone t1_iybq7af wrote

This is an update on WTVR regarding the next election potential dates []( "There are several steps that have to be followed before McEachin's seat can be filled. ​ First Speaker


pizzatongs OP t1_iyd3o02 wrote

route that originates in Richmond and goes to DC started just before the end of FY21 - [](, which obviously means those numbers are low. But good to see that the route is getting


PercyDovetonsils t1_j1dfj3g wrote

would be my choice. If you want other options though: []( [](


bozatwork OP t1_j8onr5f wrote

into specifics about personalities and political dynamics but I will say it takes some thought. []( We have consistently said the rebuilding of Fox should not come at the expensive of Wythe


ErikF t1_je045nv wrote

/watch?v=yEY6lhHF_CI) RIP [Scandals]( RIP [Mama Zu's]( RIP [Video Fan]( RIP [The Flood Zone]( RIP Pink Cadillac (Shop) RIP The Pyramid (Venue


Submitted by what-the-what24 t3_11u67x1 in rva

bikes, it’s sad that it takes this situation to get attention in the local press. [](


Submitted by bozatwork t3_11350ds in rva

drinks, appetizers, live music, raffle prizes, and a live auction. Thanks to WTVR for the story: []( All of the event details are on the PTA event page. Please note that SCOR will