0IIIIII t1_iqptb26 wrote

Perhaps more important than the Commuter Rail, is Route 9 and the highway. You can commute in all directions, and Worcester is in the biotech space similar to Boston and Metrowest.

Springfield has no prolific industries, and is too far away for commuters to Boston to consider. Worcester is closer, but anyone who wants to work in Worcester can, presently live in Worcester cheaply (this may change).


0IIIIII t1_iqpt3ut wrote

Springfield is a major city in Massachussets, like Worcester. And like Worcester it also has a few colleges. But unlike Worcester, it’s far from Boston/Metrowest. And it has no good industries…yet.

This may change. It may not. Anyone moving to Springfield is likely staying in Springfield, the tech jobs further east are not in range and this will limit Springfield’s popularity.