
0verlimit t1_j035d4v wrote

I’m surprised people care that much about apps nowadays. I’ve definitely tapered down from years ago where I was going crazy with phone games and just pretty much only use social media apps nowadays.

I remember I used to be crazy with stuff like widgets and themes when I had an android or jailbroken iphones but I realized I can’t be bothered to do any of that anymore.


0verlimit t1_iso7aqp wrote

So I don’t think posting a bunch of links without a bit of context will help people understand the flaws of the Gates approach to medical intervention.

Vaccines have MUCH more good than harm to society as a whole. There is really no way to contest that. They have done so much good to society but I just want to offer a more skeptical view of the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation, with its funding and power, has warped and taken the sphere of global health interventions in a way no other institution has. It has found itself integrated in so many global health institutions such as WHO, GAVI and many others. And as a result, they have built a monopoly on humanitarian aid via philanthrocapitalism. And while they funded many endeavors in research and biotechnology, there is an overconfidence in the power of biotechnologies, such as vaccines for dysentery, rather than fixing deficiencies in social determinants, such as lack of access to sources clean water in third world countries. I mean, why fix access to clean food and water when we can just give these people vaccines or medicine to prove how great biotechnology is? And as the technological monolith as he is, Gates has mentioned and only promoted his personal motive of biotech related developments.

In general, Gates’s funding has turned the landscape of public health into a business that has skewed research to primarily vaccines as a pancreas for social determinants, warped global health initiatives to the motives of billionaires, and created a world where less developed countries are reliant on the biological development of biotech in developed countries rather than receive sustainable aid and development.

I know this is a lot and Gates is doing more than any of us will do in our lives but just have a little bit of skepticism on if you think any billionaire or person in general could take over and influence a whole aspect of global health because of their money.

Edit: It seems I have attracted a couple of crazies with this post. I know about Gate’s history and failed vaccination drives but also how he has arguably saved more lives than he has destroyed despite how much I don’t like him and his approach to public health. I know how much power and influence he has but I’m not writing a whole fucking thesis in a Reddit comment that’s already too long to begin with.