
1000cents t1_jdwkdea wrote

Dear Diary,

I know you're probably tired of me whining all the time but I can't risk telling anyone else. If anyone in my family - especially my brother - finds out, I will become the laughing stock again at dinner.

I didn't sleep a wink last night. I kept meditating on all that I learnt at school. The School of Villainous Arts is no ordinary school. It's definitely way better than the one my older brother goes to, a fact he is still so bitter about. You know how he keeps trying to put me down all the time. Jealousy can be so beautiful, but on him it's just ugly. Anyway, I ruminated about the steps to execute the perfect act of villainy.

Step 1: Choose your target

I decided to target my brother's school, Villanovela. His cruel words lingered in my head all night and I figured the only way I could get back at him was by ruining his day.

Step 2: Choose your method

I know how much he hates the heat. Being born in the hottest country in the world has always seemed to him like a cruel joke played by the universe. So I thought, why not ruin all the air conditioners in his school? Maybe ruin all the fans too? And just for added measure, ruin all electrical sockets in case some smart ass has an electrical fan handy.

Step 3: Use your superpower (in my case, invisibility) to execute your evil plan

I put on my cloak of invisibility and waked in to the school at wee hours to disable all the Air conditioners, sockets and fans. Boy was I fast and artful. I wasted no time laughing at the filthy interiors and amateur techniques highlighted on the board. I was in and out within 30 minutes in time to get ready for my school.

I couldn't wait to tell my classmates about the pitiful state of Villanovela. But more importantly, I couldn't wait to come back home from school to hear my brother moan and become querulous about his scorching hot day at school.

The day passed excruciatingly slowly. Every minute felt like an hour and every hour felt like a day. Finally, at 4 PM, I entered home eager to hear angry sobs from my brother about the state of his school, about how unfair it is that he didn't get into my school, and how he feels like he has heat burns all over his body.

Diary, it was to my utter dismay that I found my brother laying around in pyjamas, sipping iced tea and laughing at the torture chamber game show. Turns out, his school canceled all classes today so they could repair all ACs. Not only did he get a holiday and the chance to stay at home in the air conditioning but turned out there was an assignment due today that he hadn't completed. So I just got him an extra day to do it all while basking in the comfort of home. Ugh. I'm so frustrated.

Anyhow, tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, but for now I need to figure out what to tell my classmates. I can't risk becoming the laughing stock at school either. I seem to have shot myself in the foot. Hopefully one day I will get better at villainy. Maybe I can spoil the air conditioners at home next time, that will teach him.