
100_kg_90_de_belin t1_j15emnf wrote

"It's been so long! God, I'm so nervous... I've been practicing so long what I was going to say when..."

"Identify yourself! Please provide..."

"No, man! You're the first living being I've met in 20 years! Who are you? Could you do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?"

"Please provide proof of identification or stay put. Further noncompliance will result in direct action!"

"Man, I mean... it's me, John. I've been manning the Western fort since Psycho Plague made people pay to be put out of their mysery"

"Neutralization begins in 5, 4, 3...."

"Man, I haven't heard a laughter since the Conglomerates' Wars..."

The microwave blast left a poorly charred body on the ground.

Recycling units would retrieve it and turn it into nourishment for the Western Block.