
100percent100percent t1_j5c4iqi wrote

I'm not saying you can blow through lights, I'm saying that when it's the middle of the night, you stop at the light, look around, make sure it's clear and continue.

I'm out super late almost every night, the roads are empty. There is no reason to sit at a red light with no other cars coming. You would still have to yield to pedestrians and its very rare I see anyone on the sidewalks at that hour anyway.

How is that any different than a stop sign? They either need to allow us to continue, or change more lights to flashing red during late night hours like some areas already do.


100percent100percent t1_j5c1nik wrote

I do late night deliveries and sometimes I have to run red lights that never change. I'm sitting there for no reason at 3am with no other cars.

I'm for better enforcement of dangerous running of red lights obviously, but I don't want to get an automatic ticket because the stupid light hasn't turned green for 5 minutes at 3 in the morning.

I personally think you should be able to treat red lights as stop signs between 2am-5am or something like that. It's ridiculous how long I just sit at lights for absolutely no reason. Like it probably is close to an hour of my time that I'm out doing deliveries in a night.


100percent100percent t1_j294gzi wrote

Why not build raised crossings and better pedestrian infrastructure instead of narrowing traffic lanes which I imagine will cause even more traffic? Obviously pedestrian safety is priority but this feels like a band-aid. You fix the problem with actual pedestrian and bike focused infrastructure that keeps cars from physically hitting them.

Edit: dowvoted for... promoting effective infrastructure that actually saves lives.... okay...?


100percent100percent t1_j0m2bc9 wrote

Agreed. Im older than you but this whole "just go out and make friends thing" is kinda BS. I've met a TON of people I get along with or talk to a bit when I see them out, but nothing ever turns into a real friendship.

I think good friends are just ultra rare to begin with, and if you didn't go to college or take a traditional career path, it's incredibly difficult to make close friends.


100percent100percent t1_izfrmtt wrote

Everyone downvotes when people say NH is boring but it kinda is. Most bars ARE full of college kids, and there isn't THAT much to do. It's a TINY fucking city with a lot of potential but not much application. I'm not gay, but there like maybe 2 gay bars I've ever heard of in the entire city. The whole downtown area is like 8 blocks where anything happens, maybe less. Let's be honest about what it is. Don't expect NYC. That being said, you can easily go down to NYC too.