
10_pounds_of_salt t1_ja8fxdp wrote

I'm not that knowledgeable on this topic but I see a few issues with this.

  1. What I'm taking from this is your trying to say that dark matter is the manifestation of space time overlapping on itself which is just nonsensical.

  2. What do you mean "overflowing". space dosent have a size. In order for this to work there would need to be a greater reference point which would encompass the entire universe (at least I think that's how it works) which dosent exist.

  3. What would that overflow appear to us as?

  4. Space time cant warp itself

  5. The wave idea just does not make sense.

  6. How could the expanding universe create mirages? And what "physical manifestations" would occur.

I'm pretty sure some one more knowledgeable can go into the details.