
10tothe24 t1_isp9nvw wrote

Some markets open in pairs and some open alone. This is an example of markets opening in pairs because one of the markets that just opened up is what's stated above where companies can market post filming in a show/movie. The second market is now where a company could make a paid algorithm to strip those advertisements off the screen when you watch


10tothe24 t1_irgpl1h wrote

Absolutely not. Humans love novel things the most as that's how our brains are wired and it has its roots in high school economics with the idea of diminishing returns. The more you see/use/experience something the less likely it is to give you joy when doing/seeing/experiencing those things. Aside from that you are your own person and what makes you experience joy from peoples appearance is going to be different from what the next person does. On another note though due to there being a wide variety of different cultures and body and face structures around the world it might be possible for that "normal" to be considered novel enough to be considered (on average) more attractive than what you are used to at your local level. Look up what different beauty standards are for different cultures across the world and you'll be amazed at the fact that it's kind of like a circle where one culture aspires to be like another culture and that culture aspires to be like a 3rd and the third culture aspires to be like the original culture mentioned at the beginning. It's not a perfect circle but you'll notice that's a pattern that exists within it