139_LENOX t1_jbjw3gz wrote

This is kind of naive. Sure I'd love to contribute to my CB meetings, but I have a full time job and not a lot of free time. I'd imagine that lots of folks are in the same boat.

You know who has the time to participate in CB meetings? Old rich retirees. Which is why CBs are universally full of curmudgeonly NIMBYs.


139_LENOX t1_jahxqti wrote

Fuck DeBlasio and Shea for defending this when it happened.

Don't forget that the NYPD chose to direct their resources to engage in this misconduct in the South Bronx while leaving looters in Soho to their own devices that same night.

Kettling these protestors was never about public safety, it was about the NYPD putting on a show of force against protestors demanding police accountability. When that didn't work out for them, they just stopped doing their jobs.

The NYPD is a fundamentally broken organization, and as long as the taxpayer keeps footing the bill for misconduct nothing will change.


139_LENOX t1_j1vy7cs wrote

Tearing down or privatizing public housing are not realistic solutions when you don't have transitional housing lined up for tenants who will be displaced.

People love to talk about the burden of NYCHA repairs, but no one wants to talk about the increased burden on shelters and social services if thousands of public housing residents no longer have access to stable housing.


139_LENOX t1_iwsix87 wrote

Lol this is an opinion piece written by a Bloomberg crony intended to malign progressives to distract from the fact that the state democratic party put zero money or effort into competitive house races on long island.

Progressives and corporate dems have always been at odds. Crime is not the primary wedge issue here, but it's incredibly easy to fool reactionaries into thinking that it is.