
16066888XX98 t1_iuaz6va wrote

You are making my point for me. You can't see why this is much more than "regulating periods, clearing acne and MAYBE helping with cramps" because you are not a woman. However, you believe that a corporation should be able to decide whether thousands of employees should receive gender-specific health care (not your gender)? The fact is that if you are not a woman, you can not possibly understand what goes into the complexity of our medical care. Certainly, my employers interest in "The Lord" should have no impact on whether or not I can get care for dozens of different issues, because that care includes something that has one of it's uses labeled as "birth control".

By the way, Chick-fil-a wouldn't want you to use condoms either, if they could control that.


16066888XX98 t1_iuaux3j wrote

I'm stating that people in the US have their healthcare intrinsically tied to their jobs. Not everyone has the opportunity to "work wherever", for instance, a person without a car in a small town might find that Chick-fil-a is one of the few places they can work.

Chick-fil-a shouldn't deny health care to people because they have female parts. Birth control pills are not just for birth control. I kinda gotta assume you're a dude, or you'd understand from personal experience what I'm talking about.

Of course, if you'd just like to troll the religion crap, feel free.