
18Apollo18 t1_it8489j wrote

>Estrone and Serum Estrogen are not the same thing

Are you missing the part where they said no difference was found in any other hormones measured??

Also estrone is one of the 3 types of estrogen commonly tested in the blood

There are many types of estrogen, but only three types are commonly tested: Estrone, Estradiol, and Estriol


>The confirmation bias is cute though.

How the hell is it conformation bias? That's literally the study cited by the source you sent to me


18Apollo18 t1_it83idi wrote

>Ain't that the truth! I once had to explain to my father that elemental lithium in the water and lithium citrate the anti psychotic medication are not the same thing

Elemental lithium doesn't even naturally occur on Earth at all. Let alone in the water supply.

And I'm not sure why you're saying the lithium salts in water/food are different from those in medications.

The World Health Organization recognizes lithium as a nutritionally essential trace element which can be safely consumed through drinking water, plant-based foods, or very low-dose supplementation.

Naturally occurring lithium in water supplies is associated with low levels of suicide.

If you're referring to intoxication that can happen when there's high concentrations of lithium salts in water supplies and trying to suggest that that doesn't happen with medications then that's it correct either.

Lithium salts are used mainly for acute mania and prophylaxis of recurrent bipolar and unipolar affective disorders. Toxicity may occur either during maintenance therapy or following acute intoxication. Lithium salts may cause hypothyroidism, which may aggravate the ataxia. Acute intoxication may affect the cardiovascular, renal, and/or nervous system. The spectrum of neurological deficits is broad: coma, seizures, coarse tremor, hypokinesia, rigidity, hyperreflexia

Lithium is widely distributed on Earth but does not naturally occur in its elemental form due to its high reactivity. Trace amounts of lithium are found in virtually all rocks.

Nutritional lithium, consumed through drinking water, plant-based foods, or low-dose supplementation, is a well-tolerated naturally occurring nutrient. The World Health Organization recognizes lithium as a nutritionally essential trace element

This synthesis of ecological studies, which are subject to the ecological fallacy/bias, supports the hypothesis that there is a protective (or inverse) association between lithium intakes from public drinking water and suicide mortality at the population level. Naturally occurring lithium in drinking water may have the potential to reduce the risk of suicide and may possibly help in mood stabilisation, particularly in populations with relatively high suicide rates and geographical areas with a greater range of lithium concentration in the drinking water. All the available evidence suggests that randomised community trials of lithium supplementation of the water supply might be a means of testing the hypothesis, particularly in communities (or settings) with demonstrated high prevalence of mental health conditions, violent criminal behaviour, chronic substance misuse and risk of suicide.

Lithium salts are used mainly for acute mania and prophylaxis of recurrent bipolar and unipolar affective disorders. Toxicity may occur either during maintenance therapy or following acute intoxication. The most common side effect of chronic treatment is an enhanced physiological tremor affecting mainly the hands. Lithium salts may cause hypothyroidism, which may aggravate the ataxia (see also Amiodarone). Acute intoxication may affect the cardiovascular, renal, and/or nervous system (Simard et al., 1989). The spectrum of neurological deficits is broad: coma, seizures, coarse tremor, hypokinesia, rigidity, hyperreflexia. High fever is common during intoxication. A neuroleptic malignant syndrome is often suspected since neuroleptics and lithium salts are often administered in combination in psychiatric patients. Although neurological signs are usually reversible after acute intoxication, patients may exhibit a severe cerebellar syndrome with scanning speech, tremor, and ataxic gait (Manto et al., 1996). Intensive care monitoring is recommended to prevent irreversible sequelae


18Apollo18 t1_it6bk86 wrote

The study referenced literally found reduced estrogen levels in the soy milk group.

Estrone concentration tended to decrease in the soymilk-supplemented group [regression parameter β (SE) = −0.003352 (0.00226)] and increase in the control group [β (SE) = 0.003228 (0.00223)] over the study period. None of the other hormones measured showed any statistical difference in changing patterns between the two groups.

Nagata, , Takatsuka, N., Shimizu, H. The effect of soymilk consumption on serum estrogen and androgen concentrations in Japanese men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers. March 1, 2001 10(3) 179-184.


18Apollo18 t1_it4m3dj wrote

The U shaped curve, ie reduction of mortality in light to moderate drinkers, is only found in study's which lump livelong abstainers, ex drinkers, ex binge drinkers, elderly ex drinkers and sick ex drinkers all into one category.

But when you control for these factors the curve disappears.

Many studies have same thing with smoking. For example, one study found that quiting smoking at 30 was associated with higher rates of early mortality than quitting at 50.

Does that mean smoking longer is beneficial? Of course not. The most probable justification for these results is simply that those quiting at age 30 were much more likely to be previous chainsmokers and/or have had some heath problem causing them to quit so much early

Moderate Alcohol Use and Reduced Mortality Risk: Systematic Error in Prospective Studies and New Hypotheses

Estimates of mortality risk from alcohol are significantly altered by study design and characteristics. Meta-analyses adjusting for these factors find that low-volume alcohol consumption has no net mortality benefit compared with lifetime abstention or occasional drinking. These findings have implications for public policy, the formulation of low-risk drinking guidelines, and future research on alcohol and health.

A substantial progressive decrease in the mortality rates among non-smokers over the past half century (due to prevention and improved treatment of disease) has been wholly outweighed, among cigarette smokers, by a progressive increase in the smoker nu non-smoker death rate ratio due to earlier and more intensive use of cigarettes. Among the men born around 1920, prolonged cigarette smoking from early adult life tripled age specific mortality rates, but cessation at age 50 halved the hazard, and cessation at age 30 avoided almost all of it.

Pooled analysis of all identified studies suggested an association between alcohol use and reduced CHD risk. However, this association was not observed in studies of those age 55 years or younger at baseline, in higher quality studies, or in studies that controlled for heart health. The appearance of cardio-protection among older people may reflect systematic selection biases that accumulate over the life course.

Alcohol's contribution to cancer is underestimated for exactly the same reason that its contribution to cardioprotection is overestimated

Alcohol—a universal preventive agent? A critical analysis. The evidence for the harmful effects of alcohol is undoubtedly stronger than the evidence for beneficial effects.

A sophisticated campaign by global alcohol corporations has promoted them as good corporate citizens and framed arguments with a focus on drinkers rather than the supply of alcohol. This has contributed to acceptance in the global governance arena dealing with policy development and implementation to an extent which is very different from tobacco. This approach, which obscures the contribution supply and marketing make to alcohol-related harm, has also contributed to failure by governments to adopt effective supply-side policies.


18Apollo18 t1_it48my9 wrote

Data shows that vegan men have just as high if not higher testosterone levels while simultaneously having a low risk for prostate cancer

In a well characterized national database, the plant-based diet index is unable to predict testosterone levels. Plant-based food content in diet is not associated with serum testosterone levels.

There is little evidence from intervention studies that diet is related to serum androgen levels, with changes to both low-fat and high-fat diets having been reported to reduce testosterone, FT and DHT concentrations over the short-term. Data from observational studies do not support the hypothesis that a diet low in saturated fatty acids is associated with lower androgen concentrations. Indeed, there is a tendency for testosterone levels to be slightly higher among vegans than meat-eaters, most probably as a direct response to an elevated SHBG concentration. A vegetarian and/or low-fat diet also has not been shown to influence LH levels, further implying that effects on androgens are insufficient to provoke a gonadotropic response. Given the absence of clear effects of diet on androgens, the lack of dietary effect on oestrogens would be expected because circulating oestrone and oestradiol in men are largely derived from peripheral conversion of androgens. One explanation as to why diet does not appear to elicit substantial differences in circulating androgen levels is due to the body's natural feedback mechanism to maintain the internal environment. Indeed, the small increase in testosterone concentration observed among vegan men is almost certainly caused by the increase in SHBG, in order to maintain a constant level of FT. However, in a much larger study, vegetarian and vegan men who were known to consume soyabean regularly were not found to have lower A-diol-g levels than meat-eaters (Allen et al. 2000). It may be that soyabean consumption among Western vegetarians is not sufficient to exert physiological effects.

Mean serum insulin-like growth factor-I was 9% lower in 233 vegan men than in 226 meat-eaters and 237 vegetarians (P = 0.002). Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.

Vegans had 13% higher T concentration than meat-eaters (P = 0.0001) and 8% higher than vegetarians (P = 0.001); adjustment for BMI reduced these differences to 6% (P = 0.07) and 7% (P = 0.02), respectively. The results did not support the hypothesis that meat-eaters have higher levels of bioavailable androgens than non meat-eaters. No differences in hormone levels were found between meat-eaters and lacto-ovo-vegetarians, suggesting that vegetarian diets may not alter prostate cancer risk, but the relatively low IGF-I levels in vegans might reduce their risk of prostate cancer