
28stabwoundz t1_j9dmqex wrote

Can you actually give us an instance of when this happened? Personally I dont see why ur maken a deal about it cause its honestly sounds more like they wanted a challenge which is pretty brave. I dont think its about being an idiot or overconfident these people are just the type of people who like to face and overcome massive hurdles. This enviroment was a good opportunity for them to see how they would fair against men. Yes maybe not strategic, but they gave it a shot for the competition and I think thats pretty cool especially how it is obvious they would be pummeled. And its a good spirit to have that their "proud" of themselves. What, do you want them to be completely ashamed and cry that they got beaten? None of the women were rude to the men or said anything sexist to them they just challenged them for their OWN benifit.

To me this sounds like "How dare a woman even think of challenging a man" she must be an arrogant piece of shit when its really not that deep.

Saying that the female contestants are arrogant is just comepltely misleading. From what I can see, the women always showed good sportsman ship and respect to their male contestents. I haven't watched all of the show so maybe I'm missing something but so far, there has been pretty good sportsman ship from both sides and what your saying seems like a nonexistant problem. Especially, when I have seen other males that are smaller and less compitent pick obviously larger more bulky male contestants but why dont they get hate for being "an idiot"?

I guess I could say the same for the males who chose females to go 1v1 against but since the world isn't black and white I can think that yes, they did it because they wanted to win even though others would see it as cowardly. Though I could argue that many of these male contestants were actually outright disrespecting their female oppontents by saying things like "She's just a woman if I cant defeat her I'm not a real man"...which is sort of lame? Not good sportsmanship. But OH no their ok i guess cause its strategy lol. These women are proud of themselves and have probably faced alot of sexism for their way of life but they have barely talked about it and have instead, used it as fuel to try out new challenges. Pretty admirable if you ask me.