
2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_jbjea6r wrote

Or they just move to another department. I’m reminded of a story someone I know told me. He’s a cop (married to a friend) in Chicago.

He was a cop in a suburb just outside of Chicago, and they were racist as fuck. If you went to their website there was an intro video that played of them in car chases, guns drawn, and other shit. It was set to the theme song of an old show called “The Unit.”

Lots of lawsuits and racism to the point the guy was afraid they’d not come and save him if he needed it. He was black cop, and was scared his own coworkers wouldn’t help him.

I asked if he told anyone about this, and he just said he moved to a less racist department in the city. This wasn’t that long ago either.


2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_j9ox6vv wrote

MLB has been one of the most frustrating. Back in the day we traded logins with friends from out of state just so we could watch local games.

It based off your credit card zip code. They’d use ours to watch local Marlins games because we were in Michigan. And we’d use their login to watch the Tigers since they were in Florida.


2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_j5zikkl wrote

Nothing. Modern ransomware has multiple methods to self-heal after a command and control server goes offline.

It’s been a bit since I’ve delved super deep in to it but at one time most modern malware has a whole list of domains to use. There is an obfuscated/encrypted algorithm in the malware that will try a list of domains based on a set of criteria. It can be reversed though. There are other methods as well(DNS, proxies, etc.) but previous was popular at one time.

Details are vague here so it could be a static C&C but it’s probably not. Rival ransomware gangs will also attack infrastructure in an effort to push them out or render their attacks pointless. So they attempt to make their infrastructure resilient from both seizure and attack.


2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_izebjr9 wrote

If you were a state sponsored, you’d never waste your time on celebrities with an exploit like that. Again, if you had an exploit like this, you could charge whatever you want. It’d eventually leak as well since you would be offering iCloud backup access to almost anyone for a fee. Even at trial for the guy at the center of this, they found it was phishing emails that got his 100+ victims.


2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_izdc4dp wrote

People are dumb and adding 2FA wasn't nearly as big for the general public in 2014. You get one celebrity, then you check their contacts to springboard from there.

If you found a flaw in iCloud that would allow you to pull anyone's iCloud backups, you wouldn't waste that on celebrities. You'd start looking at government officials and/or sell the exploit to a nation that's not the US for a king's ransom.

Social engineering works. That's why it's still so popular.


2_Spicy_2_Impeach t1_irfonz7 wrote

Random but what cell provider do you have? I’ve had two people with T-Mobile recently where nothing changed on their account but short codes were blocked. Some still worked but a majority didn’t. They both called, something tweaked on the carrier end by the CSR, and they could get them all now.