
2kool4tv t1_jad6unh wrote

😂😂😂 idk about all that my boy. I wish my property management would charge me for food and repairs. Shit that’s half of the luxury of renting. I ain’t paying to fix shit and I ain’t paying rent till it’s fixed.

Dog I lived in like 3 dope ass lofts and newark and I’m changing locations like draws depending on how I feel that year.

Ultimately that’s 1 way of looking at it but people are moving out of the sticks to the city’s again. Ain’t enough land for everyone to have a SFH. It’s primarily about profit and secondarily about zoning and homing. We can’t say ain’t enough housing and build mad SFH’s.


2kool4tv t1_ivxmm5v wrote

Idk why it’s coming off as he’s personally closing it. But it was announced about 5 7/11’s in the city were closing. They’ve already closed the 1 on broad and William st. The 1 on market / Halsey is closing and unrelated the Walgreens on broad as well. Shit is super saturated. Hell the other Walgreens on ferry can close too!

But my honest opinion is the homeless in the area are going to hang wherever they can. Da Silva has to “tackle” that issue as well. And that issue isn’t so easy. But if the goal is relocating the homeless tbh the initial step was the ending of mass food handouts which is fucked up but obviously a attraction for those in need.