
303uru t1_jcl5ezv wrote

This accelerationist piece of shit tried to start a bank run and economic collapse. He’s nothing short of a political terrorist.

With ChatGPTs help:

In Silicon Valley's hallowed halls, Where innovation stands so tall, Venture capitalists play their game, In pursuit of wealth and fame.

Peter Thiel, a titan bold, Whose mind, like Midas, turned to gold, Did rise to challenge, fierce and true, The bank that once his fortunes grew.

Silicon Valley Bank did stand, A beacon in that tech-soaked land, But Peter and his VC kin, Did plot to tear its pillars thin.

With cunning minds and pockets deep, These wolves did gather, secrets keep, Their strategy, like a serpent's coil, To bring down the bank that once was loyal.

The bank, that nurtured dreams and schemes, Where founders sought their golden beams, Now faced a storm, a battle dire, As Thiel and his kin conspired.

The conflict raged like fire and ice, Yet, in their quest for paradise, Did these titans fail to see, The cost of their sweet victory?

For in the battle's dark embrace, The Valley trembled in disgrace, The dreams of many turned to dust, In the face of ambition's lust.

Yet from the ashes, new life may rise, A phoenix of a different guise, Silicon Valley's heart may beat, To the rhythm of a different street.

And so, the tale of Thiel and foes, Serves as a lesson, I suppose, That venture, while it seeks to grow, Can sometimes be its own worst foe.