31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9ymz75 wrote

from that perspective it just wouldve been a total red herring (it is, as far as we know since the books wont be finished). jon snow is revived without any issue or drawback and nothing ever happens to him.

also thats a pretty weird comparison to those characters btw who are all well-developed and you know, actual characters with conversations and personality. vs zombie lady who doesnt talk and we know nothing of her intentions/motivations other than general revenge, and we follow her because?


31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9yls73 wrote

developing is a big stretch. there were a few chapters about it and they were quite vague. it was basically just a way to give some well-liked characters a reason to group up.

they arent even really mentioned in the 5th book afair, only up to the 4th book. and that shit was in 2005. almost 20 years, thats no longer "developing"


31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9ykwgt wrote

> GoT went from a 9-10/10 rated show to 2-3/10 at best.

this is exactly what i'm talking about, this is a completely ridiculous opinion.

you still watched every episode. you were so engaged that you cant let it go until today, years after it's over. thats a fucking 2 out of 10? lmao. what rating is the other 95% of garbage pumped out by every studio constantly?

it was entertaining to you as well, you just cant admit it because of the narrative that arose.

if it wasnt, you would have stopped watching it.