360walkaway t1_jb5iaka wrote
Reply to Prom Night, Me, Ink and Acrylic, 2023 by GoblinSuplex
they're all gonna laugh at you!
360walkaway t1_jalkoei wrote
Reply to Purple Heart awarded to deputy in fatal shooting during middle school pickup prompts backlash by SLaSZT
Wait, like an actual Purple Heart (medal received for being wounded in military combat)? This guy was just hanging around a middle school during pick-up and murdered some guy.
360walkaway t1_j999ut0 wrote
Reply to comment by GegenscheinZ in "Melted Creature" by Fricker-Slayer
Ain't no passing craaaaze!!
360walkaway t1_j7uvjl0 wrote
Reply to comment by Emotional_Parsnip_69 in ‘We are not forgotten’: Formerly deported veterans become U.S. citizens in special San Diego ceremony by ProgressiveSnark2
Same for Japanese men who were interned during WW2... "hey we're going to jail you for no real goddamn reason at all but if you join our army and you don't die in the process, you can get your freedom!"
360walkaway t1_j7br6vl wrote
Reply to comment by Shadowleg in Amy Winehouse winning her first Grammy in 2008 by Rainsdrop
What do you mean
360walkaway t1_j7bqfxi wrote
Reply to comment by thesaltwatersolution in Amy Winehouse winning her first Grammy in 2008 by Rainsdrop
I've only done weed at the most (maybe only a dozen times total ever) and I'm like this. Something major happens and I'm like "ok whatever." Wtf is wrong with my head
I ask an honest question and get downvoted, what is wrong with people
360walkaway t1_j6c6k1l wrote
Reply to comment by Tooleater in Son! Stop pulling on grandma! by dxmfa
I was thinking Imhotep right before he absorbs someone's soul.
360walkaway t1_j6c5x92 wrote
Reply to LPT - save pictures of your house from summer time in case you need to sell in the winter by Neat-Beautiful-5505
Instructions unclear... have no house to sell because it's goddamn impossible to afford.
360walkaway t1_j4rn0ap wrote
Reply to comment by NoobOnTheRun in NFC East becomes first division since 2002 realignment to have three teams advance to divisional round by RollingMoss1
Pretty low bar
360walkaway t1_j41otjp wrote
Reply to comment by darcys_beard in Climate change: UAE names oil chief to lead COP28 talks by SriMK
But we would have to completely get rid of currency and religion at the very least.
360walkaway t1_j41lo2z wrote
Reply to comment by ArtSchnurple in Fyre (2019) The infamous rock festival conceived by an overly ambitious egotistical entrepreneur (CC) [01:25:28] by ghostmrchicken
Didn't they also highly encourage one of the managers (who was gay) to try and seduce one of the promotion people (who was a guy but not gay) so they can could something done?
360walkaway t1_j3uvlbg wrote
Reply to Sears; Fun for all! (OC) by LeeroyM
Was there was some bizarro advertising art style in the late 80's that flew over everyone's head?
360walkaway t1_j3u6n7d wrote
Reply to comment by SMAMtastic in Air Force offensive lineman Hunter Brown dies at 21 after 'medical emergency' by Jane-in-the-jungle
Oh for fucks sakes.
360walkaway t1_j3ko2eq wrote
Reply to comment by TurtleNutSupreme in Class of '55 (Digital Edit) by LeeroyM
Fast-talking high pants?
360walkaway t1_j1sju99 wrote
Reply to comment by Feellikedancing in Biblically accurate croissant by Reggis13
What would biblically accurate demons look like though
360walkaway t1_j1l0zhg wrote
Reply to comment by lorgskyegon in Your AFC East Champs three years in a row by IceColdOz
But it was the helicopter that threw field goal kick to the side!
360walkaway t1_j1em89w wrote
The only men who count in that country are the old authoritarian bearded buttfucks who surround themselves with armed morons.
360walkaway t1_j19erpz wrote
Reply to comment by Trololman72 in City of Tears by voithos
And the charm you get for skipping it is pretty crap
360walkaway t1_j17qzib wrote
Reply to comment by AtticusSteele in City of Tears by voithos
Yea I didn't like how you can bypass fighting him by talking to an NPC instead.
360walkaway t1_j17pzq5 wrote
Reply to comment by voithos in City of Tears by voithos
And for a track that's the total opposite of CoT, check out Nightmare King Grimm... it's the only track in the OST that has percussion in it.
360walkaway t1_j17pfwd wrote
360walkaway t1_j0f9ama wrote
Reply to comment by Gavinski37 in Paris celebrates win after high-stakes World Cup clash with Morocco by No_Arachnid6406
I thought it was that Parisians don't like tourists.
360walkaway t1_iye8nwb wrote
Reply to A man in Kansas is crediting his dog with saving his life by waking him up after a fire broke out in his home. by Sariel007
I guess this balances out the shotgun-dog from yesterday
360walkaway t1_iy2c762 wrote
Reply to LPT Keep the police non-emergency number in your phone contacts wherever you live/work. You never know when you might need it. by whitlockian
Can't you just call 911 and ask for non-emergency?
360walkaway t1_jea8kij wrote
Reply to Thousands of women join club to combat loneliness - BBC News by idreamofjiro
Pervy dudes will find out about this and the group will be canceled in a week or two after.