
3z3ki3l t1_jeanw6e wrote

Reply to comment by genericrich in GPT characters in games by YearZero

Eh. Skyrim already has generated side-quests. It creates characters for you to go kill, and items for you to steal. I don’t think a little bit of dialogue, whether it fits perfectly or not, would break that much.


3z3ki3l t1_jeakjny wrote

Reply to comment by genericrich in GPT characters in games by YearZero

But it could be used for background characters. That way it’s not the same line every time you run into a character.

So every guard in Skyrim didn’t take an arrow to the knee. Could be as strict as generating some other injury, or loose enough to provide an entirely different excuse for not joining the war.


3z3ki3l t1_j4zati0 wrote

I mean, I don’t mean to be a dick, but… is the government not supposed to know about international spending? That feels like something we should keep track of. For legal tax reasons, as well as illegal drug, smuggling, and trafficking reasons. Just kinda feels like a normal thing to track, yunno for the government.

Plus don’t they need to know how their citizens are making them reliant on each other, even in non-criminal ways? For economic development, critical trade deals, embargoes and the like? Seems like it’s important information to have.


3z3ki3l t1_ivr1j8i wrote

It probably makes me a massive piece of shit, but I would have a gun ready in the room. Or I would need some massive gorilla-proof straps holding him down before I walked in.

If he wakes up violent he could kill everybody in the room in under a minute. That even happens occasionally with people, I’m not gonna bet a wild animal will be more reasonable.


3z3ki3l t1_iulsct5 wrote

It is not real, it’s already an edit. If it’s actually drones, it’s one drone that someone flew around and took a bunch of pics of. If it was multiple drones, like a drone show, they would crash in each others’s downdraft. Particularly the ones making up the flying(lol) buttresses.

But in any case, pretty incredible artwork. I would love to know the artist.


3z3ki3l t1_isi1oee wrote

I was basically born with it. Pretty sure I got it from some botched ear tubes when I was about two years old.

Never knew I had it until I was 22, when someone mentioned they heard ringing in their ears all the time, and it was called tinnitus. I thought it was normal to hear ringing in more quiet environments.