
4thAmendment1 t1_jeggjcb wrote

It depends on your state. Some states allow you to break a lease without a penalty if you have to be a caregiver to someone requiring you to move, or if you join the military active duty, your job relocates you a certain distance away, ect. look up the laws in your state. Search Tenant's Right to Break a Rental Lease in such and such state.


4thAmendment1 t1_ja56dkl wrote

First thing get rid of that car. Apply for work from home positions. Then list debts smallest to largest, snow ball method pay them off. Listen to Dave Ramsey for motivation, 100% recommend him, I listened to him every day on YouTube and the radio while I was paying off debt. You will be debt free


4thAmendment1 t1_iydz2dd wrote

Sounds like there might be too much competition for electrical work in your area. There’s a few options. Search for entry level jobs in that field, contact your school also to see if they can get you in somewhere, I know some schools will do this.

If this still doesn’t work, look in other areas if you’re able to move. If you’d like to stay where you are and competition in that field is too tight start looking at other things. I got i.t certs and was unable to find a job for a while in i.t so I went into a relative field, banking/ fraud. While I don’t work ON computers I work WITH computers and I actually ended up really liking it more than i.t. Good luck brother, keep your head up.