
55galBucketHunter t1_iyalusu wrote

You really are unlikely to fail if you give an honest effort. Especially your first year of college this is entry level material if you graduated high school you are not going to fail college courses at this level if you take advantage of the resources the college provides


55galBucketHunter t1_ixxffjg wrote

Don’t buy a house before you’re married. Yes this sounds like old fashioned boomer advice but trust me buying selling and maintaining a house can become a tremendous pain in the ass and this thing can be an albatross around your neck if you aren’t careful

Secondly if you ignore the first step (please don’t lol) make darn sure that your mortgage payment isn’t more than a third of your monthly income because there’s so much to pay for beyond that and there’s nothing worse than being “house poor”. This is easier said than done, RI simply lacks inventory. Good luck! Hopefully the market breaks in your favor when the time is right