
5degreenegativerake t1_iyngbnw wrote

How about just use a 6x6 and add guy wires behind it? The 6x6 is more than enough for the vertical load, it’s the crazy cable tension that requires such a stout pole.


5degreenegativerake t1_iyb6jgl wrote

GFI outlets don’t trip based on moisture, they trip on a difference in the current between the line and neutral. The most likely cause is a bad bulb, or bad socket on the lights that is leaking current to ground and causing the trip. Obviously moisture can also cause current leaking to ground, but moisture is not a requirement to have “nuisance” tripping.


5degreenegativerake t1_ir31etg wrote

In your position I would do it dry, but if I used lube, I would just wipe the hinges down really good with a rag or paper towel and call it good. If you are painting them or something then you need to clean them thoroughly, otherwise it doesn’t matter as long as it isn’t dripping off.